Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Camping Memories

In the summer we also enjoy camping. We enjoy camping at Bear Lake that is only a couple of hours away to the north. That was the first place we camped together. Last year before Mike left for Iraq we went there a couple of times, especially after Mike got the tent to go in the back of his truck.

This year (after Mike got back from Iraq), we ventured out to other areas. Shown in previous posts, we camped in Moab at the hottest time of the year. And then we camped in Yellowstone in some pretty low overnite temps.

We also ventured to the Utah mountains all the way to the north. We even had to go through Wyoming to get to the mountain. Mike and I went up with 2 other couples from Mike’s work. The destination was Whitney Reservoir but we must have not gone far enough or took a wrong turn. The other vehicle was pretty new and was not in the mood for offroading to find it so we camped in an open spot under the trees. Across from our spot was a weird looking tree…and that was the only picture taken. Though Mike and I were in the awesome truck tent off of the ground and had no problem keeping warm, the other couples had ground tents and apparently did not have a good night’s sleep. We only spent one night but at least it was Mike’s first time in Wyoming.

Another time this summer we went to Nephi, UT and camped with some friends of ours. It was a nice campground with a pool. No roughing it this time, but it was free for us to camp, so we can’t complain too much. On the way back we took the scenic route and took pictures along the way.
Mike, Paige, Erica, and Jaimie


  1. That looks like fun! I really really want to go camping this spring and summer. While the Arkansas mountains are nowhere as striking as yours, I look forward to exploring the areas. Do ya'll have a camping stove or do you cook over a fire?

  2. We cook over the fire mostly, with our awesome cast iron pan. You and Tom should start going and see how fun it is :)
