Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

Mike and I celebrated our first Christmas together today. Well actually its our second, but this time Mike wasn't in Iraq and I in Utah. We were both in Utah! Even though we would have loved the company of our families on this special day, our geographical distances won out this time. Fortunately there are phones and Facebook to keep in touch as well as mail. We appreciate everyone's gifts that we received via mail this year, even the Christmas cards. It was very thoughtful of so many family and friends to think of us during this time.

Our door-of-cards
Though presents are not the only reason that we celebrate Christmas, we really have had a great time with all of the gifts we received this holiday season. I personally had coveted a plaid straightening iron set with bag that Mike's Mom is selling at her shop, and learning the price, leaned on my cheapness instead of trying to get it. But was I sure surprised when I opened up that very set Christmas morning!! You should have seen my face. Haha! Mike was so excited for the Cranium board game he received from his family. We played it with another couple that came over this evening! Thanks Olson and Grandma for the special gifts!

Stocking Stuffers...LOL!

My Mom sent our presents in 2 different boxes, one labeled Christmas eve and one Christmas. Our Bay family tradition has always been to open 1 present on Christmas eve (and it has always turned out to be pajamas). My pj bottoms are peace signs that are rainbow color and really groovy ;) and Mike's turned out to have a small manufacturer problem where the left pocket faces backwards, but they fit him really well! For Christmas I recieved some really cool accessories of practical value from my Mom. It has always been a family tradition to get our necessitites before anything else and I totally love that :) Thanks to all of my family members for the love and gifts sent our way this year!

Mike and I didn't really get presents for each other last year, so this year we really wanted it special. Mike got me some really pretty, functional running shoes and my very own Starcraft 2 game along with some other awesome things. I got Mike a video camera that attaches to things to record him being him - being active, doing things like skateboarding and snowboarding and stuff. Its supposed to be waterproof and somewhat indestructible. He has already made a little snowboarding movie! Haha! I also got him a few other things, but for the both of us the best thing is being together this year.

Merry Christmas! Hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did :)

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